Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Second Place Winner: Steven Trottier's "Country Home"

Country Home

                                 A two lane highway leads me there
                              Through fields and farms and earth-kissed air
                            Through towns so small with yards so neat
                           Flags wave from poles down each main street
                        Sunshine warm upon my face
                       Draws me to this gentle place
                     Tucked back upon a wooded hill
                    Down a dirt road lined with daffodil
                  Giant oaks and hickories
                Ruffle leaves into the breeze
              Squirrels run and hop and scatter
            Through the leaves and trees and matter
            Yet calm and quiet fill my heart
                Here on this land where love did start
                  Roots took hold and children grew
                    Days and months and years just flew
                      Old ones died and new ones came
                            Still this land remained the same
                      A place where hopes and dreams could grow
                  A plot of ground for seeds to sow
                And though my journeys took me away
              My thoughts and memories did stay
            Here with those souls who touched this land
          Where peace and faith and beauty stand
         Waiting patiently for those who roam
      To someday return and call this home.

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